Consistency is key to your dance journey!

During the school holidays and weekends it is easy to kick back and chill, but let's not forget to nurture our bodies and all the hard work you have put in whilst in classes! Rest is important, but here's a guide to help you stay on track with your training through consistency.

Missing the music and fun of classes? Then pick your favourite playlist, turn up the tunes and have a boogie. Whether it's a quick improv in your living room or a fun routine with family and friends, keeping moving is great for your stamina, plus releasing any built-up creativity!

Plan short dance sessions that fit into your weekly schedule. Whether it's 15 minutes of stretches or a brief choreography run-through, consistency is key. Maintaining strength in your ankles is crucial. Try ankle circles, point and flex exercises, and resistance band exercises. These not only enhance ankle strength but also contribute to improved stability and balance.

A strong core is the backbone of everything! Incorporate exercises like planks, leg lifts, and Pilates into your routine. A stable core not only improves your dance technique but also reduces the risk of injuries.

Keep your legs graceful and flexible with targeted stretches. Include hamstring stretches, splits practice, and kicks into your routine. For back and shoulder flexibility, try some exercises like bridges and pushing your chest to the wall, and upper body twists. A flexible, yet strong, upper body enhances the expressiveness of your dance and prevents stiffness.

It is important to understand the value of hard work and dedication. Consistency when at home ensures that the progress you've made doesn't slip away. It's easier to maintain your stamina than to rebuild it, so every small effort counts.

Take a moment to reflect on your dance journey so far. Celebrate your achievements and set intentions for the future. This can be as small as writing down your goals for the next term, next school year, or even for your journey into becoming a professional! 

By maintaining your practice, and keeping consistent, you not only preserve your physical strength but also carry your love of dance with you.


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