We have been so busy at TEAM FEAD recently!

We have been so busy at TEAM FEAD recently! ISTD exams have been a real focus this academic year, we have already held 8 days of exams. We are of course very proud of all the work that goes in to achieve the brilliant results, from pupils, staff and parents. As always, it's a team effort and the community spirit in the school ensures success.

A big highlight of the year so far was winning Northern Best Dance Act in April with Miss Jess' stunning lyrical number “Never Enough” The girls danced so beautifully and were rewarded with 1st place!!! Thank you to our Vice Principal, Miss Jess.

FEAD is also in the process of growing and we have welcomed three new members of staff to the team. Miss Leanne, Miss Kathryn and Miss Freya have thoroughly enjoyed their first few weeks and are getting to know the pupils well.

AS we head to the end of term our next bit event is Summer School. This year a whole week of dancing fun from Monday 14th to Friday 18th August. Get your childs name down asap when bookings open as this si going to awesome!


Exploring the Healing Powers of Dance: Improving Mental and Physical Well-being through Movement


Reflecting on a Great 30th Year!