Workshops Success

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As we come to the end of another 6-week half term on Zoom, we reflect over those weeks and wow!

What a fantastic time we have had.................7 fabulous and engaging guest teachers delivering some stunning workshops from Cats, to Kiss Me Kate, Tik Tok to Acro and Chicago to Commercial, we have had it all!

The senior pupils have been well and truly spoilt.

Our younger pupils have dressed up as Angelina Ballerinas and Super Heros! They have continued to progress and develop with their syllabus work and their creative skills in class. Great fun was had by all.

As always we are immensely proud of the FEAD family and the community that has continued to grow during the lockdown.

Evening lecture for Mums.

As a special event for our amazing Academy Mums, we are so pleased to be having Denise Clemmitt, a personal, social and emotional development specialist and therapeutic play consultant. She is delivering a workshop to help and support Mums with homeschooling, Covid anxiety in children, rules and boundaries and ideas for play-based learning. Another amazing opportunity that Covid has brought us! Being able to link up with professionals in their field despite being so far away.


We Are Going Back


Dancing Through Lockdown 3