Exam Success

We are thrilled for all our hard-working pupils and teachers to receive some amazing exam results.

We held 5 days of ISTD ballet, tap modern and jazz exams, all pupils passing with either a Merit or Distinction. This is a wonderful testament to the passion, focus and dedication that teachers put into the exam work.

The journey that pupils go on as they work towards these professional exams is so valuable for them, developing resilience, staying power, commitment and sheer determination. Well done to all!

We are now flat out working on the SHOW! Hooray.......................what a long time coming this has been.

The pupils and families have really missed live performances and we can not wait to bring our best ever, 30th Anniversary show to the stage in June!

Keep following our social media and website for more info on how you can get tickets.


It’s Showtime


2022 A New Year!